Guitars Bros in the news of " Cuatro " and " Telecinco ".


These days guitars Francisco Bros are very present in all the channels and platforms of "Mediaset España".

You have been able to see us in reports for "Informativos Telecinco", the chain "Cuatro" and other Mediaset portals such as "Nius".

We have been telling our story, our beginnings at the hands of our grandfather Francisco and Herminia, the founders of Guitars Bros.

But the thing does not end here,...

Very attentive to the extensive Documentary that will be broadcast about our history and our guitars in the coming days!

Here we share one of the links to our report for " Telecinco ". /informative/society/international-guitars-manufacture-pueblo-alicante_18_2885670113.html?fbclid=IwAR07GYD60JUQqjsV1TgxdUGXSDOZa75KlEBHOaRy5hUQNVi9oxj-B7DuF4U

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